Sillamäe linn - asub Ida-Virumaal mis oli tuntud suletud tööstuslinna

Sillamäe (town)

Sillamäe is located near the Gulf of Finland, on the estuary of the Sõtke river. The industrial city was ‘created’ in 1946 when it was decided to establish a metallurgy plant there that reprocesses oil shale ore to get uranium oxides. Due to this industry, the city was closed off for a long time.

Today, you have the possibility to examine the buildings from the post-war period of Stalin, classical style avenues, and museums. Sillamäe Museum and the exhibition of the Sillamäe Museum branch in the Sillamäe Cultural Centre offer town excursions on request.


Location on map

Coordinates: 59.3965110, 27.7629890View on Google Maps


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Kesk tänav, 24, 40231, Sillamäe, Ida-Viru maakond

Opening hours & prices

24 hours

Features and amenities

Information boardsFree parkingSite lightingInformation pointRecreation area/picnic groundWheelchair accessible Activities for childrenRussianEnglishEstonianSignpostedSealed access roadBy excursion busBy public transportBy carShow sharingBusVisitor centreExhibitionSouvenirsMeals