Linnapark Kohtla-Järvel - Ida-Virumaa mänguväljakud ja spordiväljakud

Kohtla-Järve city park

In the park that is located in the Järve city district in Kohtla-Järve, you can walk along the banks of the pond, and enjoy the fountains in the summer. The children can use playgrounds and sports fields where they can play volleyball or basketball.
In the summer, an outdoor café, children’s attractions and boat rental are open.

Good to know: you can reach the city park along the promenade that starts at the city centre; the avenue of fountains is in the direction of the local cultural centre (Kultuurikeskus). If you are coming by car, you can leave your car at the car park of the cultural centre and walk from there.


Location on map

Coordinates: 59.3986091, 27.2739391View on Google Maps


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Kohtla-Järve, 30328, Ida-Viru maakond

Opening hours & prices

24 hours

Features and amenities

Recreation area/picnic groundSite lightingFree parkingWheelchair accessible Suitable for childrenSignpostedSealed access roadBy excursion busBy public transportBy carOn foot onlyBus