BlueRay seiklus "Erikülalised Oru pargis" Giidiga tuur, Adventures, With children, Sports games, Adventure and team games Toila vald, 41716 Website[email protected]+372 53439526
Iisaku muuseumi seiklus öised vaimujutud Adventures, Sports games Tartu maantee, 58, 41101 Website[email protected]+372 56460702+372 53448738
‘Peaks and mountains around Everest’ Adventure Adventures, Sports games Vabaduse puiestee, 21a, 43125 Website[email protected]+372 58812921+372 5104745
Karukella puhkemajas Spikeballi mängimine Sports games, Adventure and team games Papli tänav, 7b, 43301 Website[email protected]+372 5184803
Kohtla-Nõmme disc-golfi rada Sports games Jaama tänav, 100, 30503 Website[email protected]+372 3324017
Pereseiklus Narva Victoria Bastioni kasemattides „Narva linn: maa peal ja maa all!“ Adventures, With children, Sports games Pimeaia tänav, 3, 20306 Website[email protected]+372 3565002+372 58669080
Alutaguse Puhke- ja Spordikeskuse välijõusaal Sports games Alutaguse vald Website[email protected]+372 53057776
Mäetaguse mõisapargi välijõusaal ja madalseiklusrada With children, Sports games Tervise tänav, 3A, 41301 [email protected]+372 3331150+372 53035436
Educational adventure ‘Time Travel: 1944 evacuation’ at the Vaivara Blue Hills Museum Sports games Roheline tänav, 19c, 40101 Website[email protected]+372 56474552
Äkkeküla sports and recreation area in Narva With children, Sports games Äkkeküla tee, 12, 20606 Website[email protected]+372 53485279
Recreation area of Joaorg and beach in Narva Sports games Linnuse tänav, 2, 20308 Website[email protected]+372 3599000+372 53854113
Minigolf centre at Toila SPA Hotel Sports games Ranna tänav, 12, 41702 Website[email protected]+372 3342900
Adventure hike in Aidu quarry Sports games Jaama tänav, 100, 30503 Website[email protected]+372 5046856