
Estonian Mining Museum, exhibitions above ground and underground

Eesti Kaevandusmuuseum Ida-Virumaal, territoorium õhust
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Did you know that there is a museum in Estonia that offers the opportunity to dive into the history of mining and experience the world of miners? Sounds exciting, right?

Estonian Mining Museum is 167 km from Tallinn and 130 km from Tartu. In the museum you can put on the rubber boots, a miner coat, and pick up a lamp. Going underground, you will see, hear, and feel what the miners who were working underground for several decades did. On the territory of the museum, you can also climb into a dig bucket and learn about different mining techniques.

Eesti kaevandusmuuseum
Estonian Mining Museum. Photo: Hetkeline

History and Heavy Equipment

Step back in time and discover the history of mining and unique tech gadgets. You will learn how miners once lived and worked.

Estonian Mining Museum. Photo: Matti Kämärä

The beauty of nature

The Estonian Mining Museum is located on the edges of the Aidu landscape conservation area, where, in addition to visiting the museum, you can enjoy beautiful nature and hiking trails, admire natural lakes, and appreciate the uniqueness of Estonian landscapes.

Learn by playing

The museum offers educational programmes for all ages. Learn about geology, minerals, and fossils, and learn about mining technologies.

Estonian Mining Museum

Cultural treasure trove

The Mining Museum opens a door to local culture. Step inside the old post-Soviet-style former administrative building and see historical treasures that tell the story of the area’s fascinating past.

Tüdruk Eesti Kaevandusmuuseumis masina peal
Estonian Mining Museum. Photo: Hetkeline

???? Capture the moments! Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone, because you definitely want to capture these magical moments. Share your photos and videos of the Mining Museum with us and inspire others to visit this unique place!

Photos: Ida-Viru Tourism Cluster

Project Ida-Viru tourism is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument and co-financed by the European Union.

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Ida-Viru Enterprise Centre and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Programme or the European Union.
