Discover Toila – idyllic village in Ida-Viru county

Oru pargi lossiplats linnulennult, taamal paistmas meri. Foto Sven Zacek
Table of contents

Toila is an idyllic village in northeast Estonia and is primarily known for the spa hotel with thermal baths located there. However, there are many more places worth exploring.

Oru pargi lossiplats linnulennult, taamal paistmas meri. Foto Sven Zacek
Oru Park in Toila. Photo: Sven Zacek
Oru Park in Toila. Photo: Sven Zacek

The main attraction of Toila is Oru Park, where in the 19th century you could find a magnificent castle with a park, which was once gifted to the first Estonian president, Konstantin Päts, as a summer residence. The castle was destroyed in World War II, but with VR glasses, you can jump back in time and see how the park and castle looked in 1938.

Oru pargi lossiterrassil vaatavad inimesed virtuaalreaalsete prillidega kunagist Oru lossi
VR “Toila 1938” virtual tour in Oru park. Foto: Matti Kämärä

Toila, away from bigger cities and close to the sea, is an amazing place to rest. Here, you can enjoy fresh air and beautiful nature along the coastal cliffs. Toila Beach is the perfect place to enjoy the sun and the sea on a hot summer day. When hunger strikes, you can also find several places to eat here with excellent cuisine.

Toila SPA Hotel summer terrace

When planning a vacation in Toila, there are many more beautiful places to visit in the vicinity:

Päite landscape protection area, Ontika coastal cliffs, which is also the highest point of the Baltic Klint, Estonia’s highest waterfalls: Valaste waterfall and Kivisilla waterfall, and the Sillamäe beach promenade. All these places are only a few minutes drive away. The drive to Narva, where the river promenade, Victoria bastions, Narva fortress, and Narva Town Hall are waiting to be discovered, takes only 30 minutes.

Narva raekoda
Narva Town Hall
Sillamäe rand estonia beach

???? Capture the moments! Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone, because you will definitely want to capture these magical moments. Share your photos and videos of Toila with us and inspire others to visit this unique place!

Photos: Ida-Viru Tourism Cluster

Project Ida-Viru tourism is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument and co-financed by the European Union.

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Ida-Viru Enterprise Centre and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Programme or the European Union.
